black/white Gallery
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Lizz Wright, vocals

Charles Lloyd, saxophone, flute, Reuben Rogers, bass, Charles Lloyd and Maria Farantouri present ‘Amarando’

Big Sam Williams, Big Sam’s Funky Nation, Quasimodo

Colin Towns, keyboards, compositions, Edward Maclean, bass, Colin Towns Blue Touch Paper, hier beim Soundcheck

Steve Swallow, bass, Chris Cheek, tenor sax, The Swallow Quintet feat. Carla Bley, hier beim Soundcheck

Lizz Wright, vocals

Nils Landgren, Trombone, Posaune, beim Konzert der Joe Sample & NDR Bigband ‘Children of the Sun’,

Bassklarinette, Holzblasinstrument, beim Soundcheck der Joe Sample & NDR Bigband ‘Children of the Sun’,

Rocco, baritone, Hypnotic Brass Ensemble, Quasimodo

Eva Kruse, bass, Michael Wollny’s [em]

Dave Douglas, trumpet, Richard Galliano, La Strada Quintet, Tribute to Nino Rota (100th Anniversary)

Richard Galliano accordion, arrangements, Richard Galliano, La Strada Quintet, Tribute to Nino Rota (100th Anniversary)

Leszek Możdżer, piano, Solo-Projekt Komeda

Adam Baldych Quintet, Adam Baldych, violin, Quasimodo Jazz Club, Andrzej Święs, bass,

Tomasz Stańko ‘Litania’, Tomasz Stanko, trumpet

Gary Thomas, tenor sax, - Adam Pierończyk feat. Gary Thomas ‘Komeda – The Innocent Sorcerer’

Andrzej Święs bass,

Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra, Matthew Lonson, Grégoire Simon, violin

Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra, Anna Viechtl, harp
JazzFest Berlin 2011
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