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Posts mit dem Label Guus Janssen werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Donnerstag, 19. März 2020

THE OUTSIDE LANE (De Buitenbocht) - Guus Janssen

 Guus Janssen : piano - Guus Janssen solo (Amsterdam)

Serious Series 16.-18. Dezember 2019
Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2019 

Film >>> THE OUTSIDE LANE (De Buitenbocht)

A documentary movie that follows the musical paths of composer/pianist Guus Janssen.
Piano improvisations as if carved in stone, and written-out compositions with an almost improvised feeling. In this documentary Janssen and his brother Wim - drummer and painter - shift everyday subjects ever so slightly into a quite literally tilted perspective.
If you choose the ‘outside lane’ to get ahead or win a game, does that make you stupid, or perhaps vain? Or does it actually make the game more exciting? That is up to the spectator.

A film by Jellie Dekker and Dick Lucas.
A DATA Records / NTR-tv production.